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IFA, DFB sign memorandum of understanding


The Israel Football Association (IFA) has renewed its partnership with the German Football Association (DFB), with their future cooperation centring on player, coach and referee development.

Avraham Luzon and Theo Zwanziger present the memorandum of understanding
Avraham Luzon and Theo Zwanziger present the memorandum of understanding ©UEFA.com

The Israel Football Association (IFA) and the German Football Association (DFB) have signed a memorandum of understanding as the two organisations look to extend further their mutually beneficial collaboration.

The agreement was signed by IFA president Avraham Luzon and his DFB counterpart Theo Zwanziger, to symbolise both sides' wish to strengthen their partnership – which will focus in particular on coach, referee and player development.

The DFB will invite IFA-associated coaches to participate in a coaching course in Germany and will also send coach instructors to Israel to give lectures and practical study sessions to local coaches. The German association also plans to have IFA representatives observe at first hand the DFB talent promotion system.

In addition, at the request of the Israeli body, visiting DFB referee instructors will deliver lectures and practical courses to local referees. The two associations are also committed to organising international friendly matches between their national youth teams on an annual basis.

Avraham Luzon said: "The understanding which we are signing will be an important step for the development of Israeli football. I am sure our coaches, referees, footballers and scouts will benefit from this collaboration." Theo Zwanziger added: "We are here not only to tutor but also to learn – and we can learn a lot from the IFA. The basis for the memorandum is the assistance we can give Israeli football."