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CEDB decisions - meeting of 20 September


European Qualifiers: Albania vs Poland, Ukraine vs England, Italy vs Ukraine, Romania vs Kosovo

The UEFA Control, Ethics and Disciplinary Body has taken the following decisions:

Match: Albania vs Poland, 10 September 2023 (European Qualifier for UEFA EURO 2024)


• To fine the Albanian Football Association €30,000 and to order the partial closure of the Albanian Football Association’s stadium (i.e. the entire North and South stands) during the next (1) UEFA competition match in which the Albanian Football Association plays as host association, for lighting of fireworks, throwing of objects and acts of damage. Said partial stadium closure is suspended for a probationary period of two (2) years, starting from the date of the present decision.

• To fine the Albanian Football Association €14,000 for blocking of public passageways.

• To warn the Albanian Football Association for the improper conduct of its team.

• To warn the Albanian Football Association for the prohibited sponsor advertising on bags.

• To warn the Albanian Football Association for not complying with the minimum medical requirements.

• To warn the Albanian Football Association for insufficient organisation and the failure to implement a proper ticket allocation strategy.

• To warn the Albanian Football Association for the unauthorised media on the pitch.


• To fine the Polish Football Association €15,000 and to ban the Polish Football Association from selling tickets to its away supporters for its next (1) match, for throwing of objects and lighting of fireworks. Said ban from selling tickets is suspended for a probationary period of two (2) years, starting from the date of the present decision.

• To fine the Polish Football Association €5,000 for acts of damage.

• To order the Polish Football Association to contact the Albanian Football Association within 30 days for the settlement of the damages caused by its supporters, i.e. for broken seats.

• To warn the Polish Football Association for the improper conduct of its team.


Matches: Ukraine vs England, 8 September 2023 and Italy vs Ukraine, 12 September 2023 (European Qualifiers for UEFA EURO 2024)


• To fine the Ukrainian Association of Football €20,000, to order the partial closure of the Ukrainian Association of Football’s stadium during the next (1) UEFA competition match in which the Ukrainian Association of Football plays as host association and to ban the Ukrainian Association of Football from selling tickets to its away supporters for its next (1) match, for the racist behaviour of its supporters. The Ukrainian Association of Football shall communicate to UEFA, prior to the match, the sectors to be closed for the partial stadium closure, which shall consist of at least 5,000 seats.

• To fine the Ukrainian Association of Football €5,000 for lighting of fireworks.

• To fine the Ukrainian Association of Football €8,000 for blocking of public passageways.


Match: Romania vs Kosovo, 12 September 2023 (European Qualifier for UEFA EURO 2024)


• To fine the Romanian Football Federation €40,000 and to order the Romanian Football Federation to play its next (1) UEFA competition match as host association behind closed doors for lighting of fireworks, throwing of objects, transmitting messages of a political nature (i.e. for the “Kosovo is Serbia” banner and chants) and for the racist behaviour of its supporters.

• To fine the Romanian Football Federation €12,000 for blocking of public passageways.