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CEDB: Hungary v Portugal, Hungary v France, Germany v Hungary


UEFA EURO 2020 group stage matches played on 15, 19 and 23 June 2021

The UEFA Control Ethics and Disciplinary Body (CEDB) has announced the following decision:

Matches: UEFA EURO 2020 group stage matches Hungary vs Portugal (0:3), Hungary vs France (1:1) and Germany vs Hungary (2:2), played on 15, 19 and 23 June respectively.

Charges against the Hungarian Football Federation:

Discriminatory behaviour of supporters - Art. 14(2) of the UEFA Disciplinary Regulations


The CEDB has decided:

- To order the Hungarian Football Federation to play its next three (3) UEFA competitionmatches as host association behind closed doors, the third of which being suspended for a probationary period of two (2) years as from the date of the decision, for the discriminatory behaviour of its supporters. The Hungarian Football Federation has also been fined €100,000.

- To order the Hungarian Football Federation to implement the following directive in the above-mentioned matches in which it will play as host association: to display a banner with the wording “#EqualGame”, with the UEFA logo on it.