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UEFA Congress


European football's parliament annually convenes our 55 member associations to make decisions that shape the game's future.

48th Ordinary UEFA Congress Paris


The UEFA Congress is the supreme controlling organ of UEFA and brings together presidents and general secretaries representing each of our 55 member associations to make decisions that help shape European football. With the serving UEFA president chairing the proceedings, participants discuss and vote on decisions, measures and proposals from both the governing body and associations.

Typically held over one day, congresses may be ordinary or extraordinary. Ordinary congresses meet annually, while an extraordinary congress may be convened by the UEFA Executive Committee, or at the written request of one fifth or more of our member associations. A second ordinary congress can also be called by the Executive Committee to address financial matters and/or matters of particular significance.

The UEFA President makes a speech at the 41st UEFA Congress in Helsinki, Finland
The UEFA President makes a speech at the 41st UEFA Congress in Helsinki, FinlandUEFA via Getty Images

49th UEFA Congress

3 April 2025
Belgrade, Serbia


All congresses have been hosted by a member association, except for the 4th Extraordinary UEFA Congress in Monte Carlo, Monaco. The 48th UEFA Ordinary Congress took place in Paris, France, on 8 February 2024. The next congress will be held on 3 April 2025 in Belgrade, Serbia.

As of 2024, 31 different European cities have hosted 48 ordinary congresses, while the 13 extraordinary congresses have taken place in 10 cities – a total of 61 congresses in 36 locations.

First-ever Congress

Vienna, Austria, hosted our first congress on 2 March 1955, a year after UEFA was founded, while the first extraordinary congress was held on 11 December 1959 in Paris. Until 1968, these meetings were known as general assemblies. From 1958 to 2002, our congresses took place every two years.


Each of UEFA's 55 member associations has one vote at the congress. As well as electing our president, Executive Committee members and European members of the FIFA Council, the congress:

• Receives the UEFA annual report 

• Acknowledges the financial report and the auditors' report, and approves the annual accounts and budget

• Confirms Executive Committee members elected by the European Club Association (ECA) and European Leagues (EL)

• Appoints the external auditors

• Votes on amendments to the UEFA Statutes

• Considers and decides on proposals

As needed, the UEFA Congress also considers:

• Applications for UEFA membership, or even the suspension of an association. It can also decide to lift or continue the suspension of a member association, Executive Committee member or a member of another body.

• Calls for the dismissal of a UEFA Executive Committee member or members of the UEFA disciplinary bodies, (Control, Ethics and Disciplinary Body, Appeals Body), ethics and disciplinary inspectors, and Club Financial Control Body.

• Proposals to award honorary UEFA membership to individuals for outstanding service to European football.


UEFA Statutes and the UEFA Congress Rules of Procedure: articles 12 to 20

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