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UEFA strategy: United for Success


Our strategy sets out the vision, values and objectives that will guide UEFA from 2024 to 2030, driving the game forward and making it accessible to everybody.

United for Success: UEFA’s strategic vision 2024-2030

What is United for Success, UEFA's 2024-2030 strategy?

United for Success sets out the vision, values and objectives that will guide UEFA from 2024 to 2030.

The strategy was approved by the UEFA Executive Committee in February 2024 after extensive consultation with our national associations and the wider European football community. It will provide UEFA, as well as the game's other key stakeholders, with a clear direction and ambitious targets over the next six years.

"In developing our strategy for 2030, UEFA has, once again, reflected on its aspirations for the future of European football and the positive contribution that football can make to wider society. The result is a clear vision for ensuring the game continues to flourish throughout the continent, reaching and inspiring people of all generations and reinforcing positive values at every level of society."

Aleksander Čeferin, UEFA president

United for Success summary points

Why did UEFA launch United for Success?

As we strive for the very best that football can offer, there is still much to do. We must continue to protect the fundamental values of the European sports model, ensuring football remains accessible to everyone and reflects the values shared by all its supporters.

We want to reinforce faith in sporting organisations through open and transparent decision-making, expanding stakeholder relations and increasing the diversity of representative bodies.

We must also ensure that football delivers on its potential to drive positive change in society and bring local communities closer together. Aligned with this, we will also continue to organise the very best sporting events that inspire billions of people around the world.

"By 2030, we want to see more people playing all types of football, more supporters following matches, and more revenues to reinvest back into the game's development. In this regard, United for Success will detail actions that ensure both the men's and women's game continue to grow from strength to strength."

Karl-Erik Nilsson, UEFA first vice-president and UEFA Strategy Steering Committee chair

Seven strategic priorities of United for Success

To achieve our 2030 ambitions, we will focus efforts and resources on seven strategic priorities. Each reflects current trends in European football.

1) Be at the core of society: to be a unifying force across European football, contributing to a more open and inclusive society.

2) Ensure opportunities to all, from grassroots to elite: a thriving football ecosystem at every level across europe, with the opportunity for everybody to participate.

3) Strengthen the game's fundamentals: to have a united European football ecosystem through a system of open, competitive and sustainable competitions.

4) Work together to the highest governance standards: an inclusive culture where best practices are shared to achieve common goals and every voice of the football family is listened to.

5) Organise world-class competitions: staging the most followed sporting events in the world, delivering sporting excellence for all supporters and maximising revenues for investment back into the game.

6) Maximise the potential of women's football: inspiring more girls and women to play and follow football across Europe, driving more professional opportunities, creating more pathways and delivering more compelling and financially sustainable competitions.

7) Pursue a culture of sustainability: reducing the impact of football on the environment, leveraging its power to raise awareness and catalyse action.

What values does UEFA stand for?

Seven fundamental values drive our mission, every single day. We strive to ensure they are at the centre of everything we do, guiding our objectives, decisions and actions.

Equality: we recognise football’s responsibility for promoting equal rights for everyone, regardless of age, ability, background, gender or religion.

Excellence: we set the highest possible standards, ensuring we lead the way in all areas of the game.

Fairness: we serve as European football’s standard-bearer for the spirit of fair play.

Integrity: we uphold our founding principle that trust and impartiality lie at the heart of everything we do.

Openness: we seek to foster an inclusive, transparent culture, empowering people to speak up and recognising everyone’s role as guardians of the game.

Respect: we acknowledge and celebrate diversity in culture and traditions, treating everyone with dignity and respect and putting people first at all times.

Unity: we capitalise on the football community’s collective strength, pooling resources, expertise and know-how for the benefit of all.

What was the impact of UEFA's previous strategy, Together for the Future of European Football?

Between 2019 and 2024, Together for the Future of Football has demonstrated the importance of having a clear, strategic framework in place – both to shape the future of the European game and to adapt to socio-economic changes, advances in technology and significant disruption on and off the pitch.

Progress against each of our five 2019-24 strategic priorities helped to maintain football’s continued status as Europe’s number one sport. Under our leadership, European women’s football went from strength to strength. Stand-out achievements include a record-breaking UEFA Women’s EURO in 2022, the reform of our competitions and pioneering development programmes driving participation and professionalism across the game.

We also developed a range of strategic plans and funding programmes to help our national associations apply good governance principles, and compared with 2019, football's stakeholders are better represented on UEFA committees and working groups.

The reform of our men’s and women’s competitions provided more opportunities to more teams and players, while financial regulatory frameworks and improved solidarity mechanisms helped to preserve European football's competitiveness. Club licensing and financial sustainability regulations have also evolved, encouraging rational investment to protect the game and build a more sustainable future.

We also added a fifth Responsibility pillar to our strategy in 2021, recognising football’s potential for supporting positive social and environmental change, taking steps to transform our own competitions and promote the long-term benefits of the game for health and well-being.

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