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Hungary relieved to edge out Faroe Islands

Hungary captain Balázs Dzsudzsák was grateful his team came through a tricky evening as the Faroe Islands reflected on their improved displays if not results.

Highlights: Faroe Islands v Hungary

Ádám Szalai's first-half goal gives Hungary victory in Torshavn
Captain Balázs Dzsudzsák relieved to leave with points in "difficult match"
Lars Olsen "satisfied" with Faroe Islands display if not result
Next games: Greece v Faroe Islands, Hungary v Finland (14 November)

Balázs Dzsudzsák, Hungary captain
We are happy with the result today, but not with our performance. It was a difficult match to play in. I'm happy with four points from our last two games and if we beat Finland at home we are in a good position.

Northern Ireland have surprised everyone in this group and I think it will be very interesting right to the last kick. I believe we can do it.

Lars Olsen, Faroe Islands coach
I'm very satisfied with the performance. Of course, I'm not satisfied with the result. The better team lost today and that is the first time while I have been in the Faroe Islands that I have been able to say that.

I'm very pleased on behalf of the players that they made it work today. We have been working on playing the ball – daring to play the ball through the centre and upfield. We succeeded fantastically with that today.

Unfortunately, we make some mistakes from time to time, and as I have said before, at this level that will be punished. In addition to the goal, which came from a corner, there is another high ball we don't clear properly, but that was actually the only thing we gave Hungary in addition to shots from distance. That's a fantastic performance just a couple of days after a really tough match in Northern Ireland.

Fródi Benjaminsen, Faroe Islands captain
We have improved from match to match but still today was not enough for us to earn a point. We had good support from our fans. It is disappointing for us but we keep the faith and we believe it will happen soon. We had some young players in the team today and they did well. We're happy about that.

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