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Georgia on course to fulfil Ketsbaia aim

Temuri Ketsbaia tells UEFA.com about his dream of leading Georgia to a EURO finals and why finishing third in FIFA World Cup qualifying Group I would represent a "good result".

Georgia on course to fulfil Ketsbaia aim
Georgia on course to fulfil Ketsbaia aim ©UEFA.com

After four matches in FIFA World Cup qualifying Group I, Georgia are on course to meet coach Temuri Ketsbaia's goal: a third-place finish.

While winning the section and qualifying for a major competition for the first time would be the stuff of dreams, Georgia are realists. With France and world and European champions Spain in their pool, which also contains Belarus and Finland, they probably have to be.

"Of course, we want to get to the finals, but a good result would be if we finished third in the group, because we have demonstrated that we can play football," Ketsbaia, whose team are third with four points from as many games, told UEFA.com. "We still lack experience, but we wish to gradually create a side that will get to the final phase of the European Championship."

With Georgia having held firm for 86 minutes against Spain in Tbilisi in September, until Roberto Soldado broke their resistance, perhaps targeting a EURO finals place does not seem so far-fetched after all. The fact Estonia, who are 19 places below them in the latest FIFA World Ranking, reached the UEFA EURO 2012 play-offs shows what can be achieved.

For now, though, Ketsbaia's thoughts are on Wednesday's friendly with Egypt and a trip to France when the qualifying campaign resumes in March. To hear more from the 44-year-old, click on the video above.

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