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Spain coach Luis de la Fuente on the value of Nations League glory, Rodri and their EURO group rivals – interview

"I am convinced we will have a chance to fight for the title," says Luis de la Fuente as Spain look to follow up Nations League success with victory at UEFA EURO 2024.

De la Fuente hails impact of Nations League success

Luis de la Fuente believes Spain's triumph in the 2023 UEFA Nations League was the turning point for the team under his tutelage and they can add another trophy to their collection at UEFA EURO 2024.

Victory at the finals would give La Roja the trophy for what would be an outright record fourth time and, according to their current coach, would represent a fitting reward for the long-term development of their teams and players.

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On what has changed in his time as Spain coach

We spoke the first time about what we wanted to achieve with this national team, which was to become a great team. We are en route to achieving this. In terms of how we wanted our football to evolve, based on playing quicker football, having more options while improving defensively, where we are one of the best teams in the world, there's always space for improvement. But we have been developing further on the clear foundations we had set. We are still convinced that this is the correct way to keep improving on that first idea.

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On how Spain develop players

I have been at the Spanish Football Federation for 11 years and from the day I arrived, I saw that there was a very clear model and idea. We managers have all accepted it and identified with it, and have also reinforced that concept with our own ideas to keep growing further. The most important thing is that philosophy is completely integrated into the federation's model, so that every national team has one and the same idea. What's most important is that we are all committed to and keep believing in this style.

But it counts for nothing if you do not have exceptionally talented footballers who are very well developed at their clubs from a very young age. The clubs are the true leaders of this. The players reach this level with very good training. We have very little time but we have an advantage, which is the great talent and the continuity of playing in the very young age groups for 14 or 15 years, until they reach the senior national team. They have learned on a very clear pathway, and this makes it easier for them to learn the concepts that each coach teaches them as they go up through the age groups.

Spain vs Croatia previous EURO meetings

On whether winning the Nations League will help at EURO

Yes, undoubtedly. It was a very decisive moment at a very difficult time for us because it was the third or fourth match we were playing together. Besides, we had previously lost against Scotland. People around us may have had doubts but the group was convinced about our goals and knew what we wanted to achieve, and the team proved it. We have talked about this several times from that first moment and, given that a victory helps you grow, we became stronger – we haven't lost another match since.

That made the team more confident, but also those new players who just had to follow the current dynamic. Those who were veterans and the captains showed perfect behaviour, and the youngest showed an extraordinary maturity to accept and understand everything they were asked. That makes our work much easier. I'm very proud of them. I'm quite thankful because they've made our work much easier. As I tell them, in my opinion they are the best.

Nations League final highlights: Croatia 0-0 Spain (4-5 pens)

On Rodri

For me, he is the best central midfielder in the world. He is the most complete No6. He stands out in every facet of the game. He understands how to attack, how to defend, he is unselfish, he looks to support, he's hard-working, he knows how to orchestrate play. For me, he is pure talent. He has learned that without hard work, pushing yourself and dedication, he would surely not have reached the level he has, even while playing under perhaps the best, or one of the best, coaches in the world. His greatest trait is his humility to understand, be willing to learn and take on board advice from any coach. He has grown, is growing, and will continue to grow thanks to that humility.

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On group stage opponents Italy, Croatia and Albania

We've already faced Italy and Croatia in the Nations League but they are such good national teams; you just need to take a look at their record, their history or their players to realise it. But we can't forget Albania. Albania have really good players, they have developed a lot. I've known them through their Under-19 and U21 teams, and the matches against them were always really tough. Their coach is also really good. I rate him highly because he is a very brave and determined coach who has clear ideas. He has contributed a lot to Albanian football.

The first goal must always be to compete and be in a position to win. I am convinced we will have a chance to fight for the title. However, there can only be one winner and there are many good national teams who can win this trophy. I think we are ready and we still have time to keep growing and improving to get that great team we need to be able to fight for the title.

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