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UEFA's CPR campaign in the spotlight during matchday two of EURO 2024

New TV advert encourages fans to learn life-saving skills.

Get Trained, Save Lives – matchday 2

During matchday two of EURO 2024, a special focus will be placed on UEFA’s 'Get Trained, Save Lives' campaign.

Showcased by a bespoke TV advert, as well as on stadium screens, social media platforms, and LED boards, the campaign, an outcome of the partnership between UEFA and the European Resuscitation Council (ERC), will encourage fans to learn basic skills of resuscitation through an interactive training module on get-trained.com.

Supporters in the ten host cities can visit the 'Get Trained, Save Lives' booths to learn and practise chest compressions. These booths offer fans the chance to follow the lead of the participating teams, all of whom have received life-saving training at their base camps. This initiative has also been extended to match officials, staff, and volunteers working at UEFA EURO 2024 in Germany.

The 'Get Trained, Save Lives' campaign aims to raise awareness about sudden cardiac arrest and educate the public on how to respond effectively as bystanders. By visiting get-trained.com, fans can engage with an interactive training module to learn these crucial skills.

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