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Chapman steps back from England team

England coach Hope Powell paid tribute to Katie Chapman, "a wonderful servant" to her country, after the Arsenal LFC midfielder, 28, decided to take a break from international football.

Katie Chapman (centre) celebrates with Jill Scott and Rachel Yankey
Katie Chapman (centre) celebrates with Jill Scott and Rachel Yankey ©Getty Images

Coach Hope Powell paid tribute to Katie Chapman, "a wonderful servant to England over the years", after the Arsenal LFC midfielder decided to take a break from international football.

The 28-year-old informed Powell of her decision before the squad met up ahead of this Saturday's friendly against the United States in London. "With two young children and her commitments at Arsenal, Katie has understandably found it difficult to juggle her family life and her football," said the England boss. "I fully respect her decision."

Chapman scored eight goals in 82 national-team appearances and was a key member of the England squad at the 2005 and 2009 UEFA European Women's Championships and the 2007 FIFA Women's World Cup. Everton forward Natasha Dowie will replace her in the England squad as Chapman focuses on Arsenal's forthcoming UEFA Women's Champions League semi-final against Olympique Lyonnais.

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