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2017/18 WU19 EURO qualifying round draw

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Results Pots Procedure

2017/18 WU19 EURO qualifying round draw

Fourty-eight hopefuls begin their bids to join hosts Switzerland in the fnal tournament.

Group 1 (12–18 September): Germany, Iceland*, Montenegro, Kosovo

Group 2 (18–24 October): England, Slovenia, Wales, Kazakhstan*

Group 3 (8–14 September): Denmark, Romania, Slovakia, Lithuania*

Group 4 (25–31 October): Spain, Ukraine, Azerbaijan, Albania*

Group 5 (16–22 October): Norway, Portugal*, Northern Ireland, Cyprus

Group 6 (18–24 October): Netherlands*, Republic of Ireland, Estonia, Latvia

Group 7 (16–22 October): France, Italy, Moldova*, Faroe Islands

Group 8 (17–23 October): Belgium, Austria*, Croatia, FYR Macedonia

Group 9 (18–24 October): Sweden, Czech Republic, Belarus, Bulgaria*

Group 10 (18–24 October): Scotland, Turkey, Hungary*, Armenia

Group 11 (12–18 September): Finland*, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Israel

Group 12 (dates tbc): Russia, Poland, Greece, Georgia*


Bye to final tournament: Switzerland (hosts)

10:00CET, 11 November, Nyon


Draw procedure & seeding pots
Pot A:
Spain, France, Germany, England, Sweden, Netherlands, Norway, Scotland, Belgium, Denmark, Russia*, Finland

Pot B: Austria, Republic of Ireland, Italy. Czech Republic, Portugal, Iceland, Poland, Romania, Serbia*, Ukraine*, Turkey, Slovenia

Pot C: Croatia, Northern Ireland, Hungary, Azerbaijan*, Greece, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina*, Moldova, Slovakia, Wales, Montenegro, Estonia

Pot D: Faroe Islands, FYR Macedonia, Cyprus, Israel, Albania, Bulgaria, Kazakhstan, Lithuania, Latvia, Georgia, Armenia*, Kosovo*

*Based on previous decisions of the UEFA Executive Committee and UEFA Emergency Panel, the following pairs of teams cannot be drawn together: Russia & Ukraine, Azerbaijan & Armenia, Serbia & Kosovo, Bosnia and Herzegovina & Kosovo

Bye to final tournament: Switzerland (hosts)

Who is involved?
• Hosts Switzerland qualify directly for the final tournament in summer 2017.

• The remaining 48 entrants start in the qualifying round where they will be split into 12 groups of four.

• Kosovo are entering their first competitive women's national-team tournament.

The draw
• There are four seeding pots according to the coefficient ranking list, with the 12 countries with the highest ranking in Pot A, the next 12 in Pot B, and so on.

• Each group will have one team from each pot, with hosts then appointed to stage the mini-tournaments, provisionally scheduled between 11 and 29 September, or 16 and 24 October 2017.

Road to Switzerland
• The top two teams in each group go into the elite round, provisionally in spring 2018.

• Seven teams will eventually qualify for the finals to join Switzerland.