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Neid hails class of '86

Silvia Neid praised Germany after they reached the final, while Russia's Valentin Grishin looked forward.

Germany continue to go from strength to strength in the UEFA European Women's Under-19 Championship, winning their Group A matches 4-0, 4-0 and 7-0 before today's record 8-0 semi-final victory against Russia.

Fine recovery
The Russians have performed credibly in Finland, picking themselves up from an opening 5-1 loss to Italy to draw with France and beat Norway. They will now represent Europe along with the other semi-finalists in November's FIFA Under-19 Women's Championship, while Germany have a more pressing engagement - Sunday's final against Spain. uefa.com speaks to the coaches.

Germany 8-0 Russia

Silvia Neid, Germany
In the first ten minutes we were lucky because we were sleeping and the Russians could have scored. After Susanne Kasperczyk's opening goal we closed down the space better and players worked for each other more. We should have been leading by more than one goal at half-time and I wasn't happy when the whistle blew as we were just getting into our stride. I was delighted with the way we picked up at the start of the second half from where we left off. It's incredible to get to the final with a 23 to zero goal difference. We're getting more confident in ourselves as each game goes past.

I'm proud of my team because they were really into the competition from the start, concentrating when they had to. When we analyse games they're also keen to learn and develop. The players have fun as a team when they're not playing or in training which helps to create a good spirit. The year 1986 is a really good one for us with many good players and lots of them played in 2003 which helped build towards this year. Those born in 1985 add extra experience.

I'm sure that we'll be playing a very different Spanish team in the final - we'll start at zero. My players understand that as well and they know they'll have to be prepared.

Valentin Grishin, Russia
This has been a great tournament which has been a good experience for the players, one they can lean from. The signs are very positive for women's football in Russia. Progress has been made and for the Under-19 side to qualify for the World Championship is another boost for the game in our country. We suspected that Germany would be very strong and they were.