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2016/17 Women's U17 qualifying round draw

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Results Pots Procedure

2016/17 Women's U17 qualifying round draw

The Czech Republic, hosting the finals, will be joined by seven of 45 entrants, with 44 in the qualifying round.

2016/17 Women's U17 qualifying round draw
2016/17 Women's U17 qualifying round draw ©UEFA.com

Qualifying round draw
Group 1 (20–25 September):
Switzerland, Denmark, Slovakia, Israel*

Group 2 (6–11 October): Sweden, Greece*, Montenegro, Malta

Group 3 (8–13 October): Poland, Hungary*, Azerbaijan, Estonia

Group 4 (21–26 October): Norway, Netherlands, Bulgaria, Moldova*

Group 5 (26–31 October): Italy, Finland, Portugal*, Georgia

Group 6 (10–15 October): France, Scotland*, Croatia, Kazakhstan


Group 7 (2–7 October): Germany, Turkey, Wales, Latvia*

Group 8 (24–29 October): England, Russia, Slovenia, Lithuania*

Group 9 (26 September–1 October): Belgium, Serbia*, Romania, Ukraine

Group 10 (26–31 October): Republic of Ireland*, Iceland, Belarus, Faroe Islands

Group 11 (30 September–5 October): Austria, Northern Ireland, Bosnia and Herzegovina, FYR Macedonia*


Bye to elite round: Spain

Bye to final tournament: Czech Republic (hosts)

08.40CET, 13 November, Nyon

Seeding pots & draw procedure
Pot A:
France, Germany, Norway, Austria, Switzerland, Belgium, Sweden, Italy, Poland, Republic of Ireland, England

Pot B: Scotland, Denmark, Iceland, Netherlands, Finland, Russia, Hungary, Turkey, Serbia, Northern Ireland, Greece

Pot C: Belarus, Portugal, Slovakia, Wales, Bulgaria, Romania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Slovenia, Croatia, Azerbaijan, Montenegro

Pot D: Ukraine, Israel, FYR Macedonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Moldova, Faroe Islands, Estonia, Kazakhstan, Georgia, Malta

Based on previous decisions of the UEFA Executive Committtee and UEFA Emergency Panel, Russia and Ukraine cannot be placed in the same group.

Bye to elite round: Spain

Bye to final tournament: Czech Republic (hosts)

• The Czech Republic will stage the fourth final tournament since the expansion to eight teams in the summer of 2017, following in the footsteps of England, Iceland and Belarus, who stage the next finals in May. Malta are entering this competition for the first time.

How Spain won the 2015 title

• While the Czech Republic directly for the finals as hosts, the country with the highest rating on the coefficient ranking list (based on results from 2012/13 to 2014/15) receive a bye to the elite round in spring 2016: Spain.

• The remaining 44 entrants will be in the qualifying round where they will be split into 11 groups of four.

• There are four seeding pots of 11 nations each composed according to the coefficient ranking list. Each group will contain one team from each pot, with hosts then appointed to stage the mini-tournaments between 1 August and 31 October 2016.

The top two in each group and the third-placed team with the best record against the leading pair in their section accompany top seeds Spain into the 24-team elite round. Seven countries will eventually qualify for the finals to join the Czech Republic.