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Lafita ruled out of Depor's Croatia trip

RC Deportivo La Coruña will complete their UEFA Cup tie against HNK Hajduk Split without Ángel Lafita after the midfielder underwent surgery on his appendix.

Ángel Lafita (right) in action last season
Ángel Lafita (right) in action last season ©Getty Images

Key fixtures
The 24-year-old had the operation on Thursday following a bout of appendicitis and is already out of hospital. The Depor medical staff expect Lafita to be out of action for three to four weeks, ruling him out of the return of their UEFA Cup second qualifying round tie with Hajduk. The sides played out a goalless at the Riazor to leave things in the balance ahead of their meeting in Croatia on 28 August. Lafita is also likely to miss the Liga opener against Real Madrid CF two days later.

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