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Abdellaoue keeps Norway on course

Norway 1-0 Iceland
Norway consolidated their share of the lead in qualifying Group H, though they required a late penalty from Mohammed Abdellaoue to do so.

Mohammed Abdellaoue (right) takes the plaudits after the match, which won by his late penalty
Mohammed Abdellaoue (right) takes the plaudits after the match, which won by his late penalty ©Getty Images

A late penalty from Mohammed Abdellaoue kept Norway joint top of UEFA EURO 2012 qualifying Group H with two matches remaining.

Substitute John Carew was brought down by goalkeeper Stefán Magnússon, affording Abdellaoue the chance to score the winner against Iceland for the second time this campaign. Norway, level on points with Portugal after their rivals won 4-0 in Cyprus, can take another step towards a top-two finish when they face Denmark on Tuesday.

Jonathan Parr tested Magnússon nine minutes after the restart, but Norway's best chance before the penalty came midway through the second half, Alexander Tettey curling a shot against a post from 16 metres. Moments earlier, Iceland captain Eidur Gudjohnsen failed to connect with a header when well placed.

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