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Knee blow leaves Navarro low

Sevilla FC have lost their captain for a number of high-profile games after Javi Navarro was ruled out for up to eight weeks with a damaged right kneecap.

Sevilla FC will be without their captain for a number of high-profile dates in August after Javi Navarro was ruled out for up to eight weeks with a damaged right kneecap.

The 33-year-old sustained the blow in training and immediately travelled to Barcelona for an appointment with specialist Ramón Cugat, who created a personal training programme for the central defender without the need for surgery. Navarro will miss the UEFA Champions League third qualifying round - and up to two matchdays should Sevilla progress - the UEFA Super Cup against AC Milan in Monaco on 31 August, and the two-legged Spanish equivalent versus Real Madrid CF on 11 and 19 August.

Navas to travel
Navarro, who has lifted the UEFA Cup in each of the last two seasons, will remain in Seville while the team travel to the United States for a pre-season tour, as will Aleksandar Kerzhakov as the 24-year-old Russia forward is undergoing treatment to an injury in his left achilles tendon sustained in training. Jesús Navas has been cleared to travel despite the club initially ruling him out as the 21-year-old midfielder is undergoing treatment for anxiety reportedly brought about by numerous trips away from home.

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