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Aimar agony for Valencia

Valencia CF's Pablo Aimar will miss the start of the UEFA Champions League second group stage.

Valencia CF midfield player Pablo Aimar will be out of action for at least three weeks after club doctors confirmed that he had torn a thigh muscle during his side's weekend Primera División defeat at Club Atlético de Osasuna.

Out of Ajax match
"Pablo has a small tear in his muscle and will need three to four weeks to recover," Jorge Candel, Valencia's chief medical officer announced on the club's website. The 23-year-old Argentinian playmaker will miss Valencia's opening UEFA Champions League second group stage match against AFC Ajax and is unlikely to recover in time to play the following game at Arsenal FC.

Still upbeat

It is normal in football to have injuries like this

Rufete also injured
Valencia will also be without midfield player Francisco Rufete who faces a similar period on the sidelines after injuring a calf muscle at the weekend. The good news for Valencia coach Rafael Benítez is that Norwegian striker John Carew may be available for next weekend's league match at home to Real Valladolid despite a minor ankle strain.

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