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Deaf futsal final receives live TV coverage


The men's final in the 3rd European Deaf Futsal Championship, which is taking place in Switzerland and receiving UEFA's support, will be broadcast on live television this Sunday.

Deaf futsal final receives live TV coverage
Deaf futsal final receives live TV coverage ©EDSO

The men's final in the 3rd European Deaf Futsal Championship, which is receiving UEFA's support, will be broadcast on live television this Sunday. Coverage on the showpiece taking place Winterthur, Switzerland will be supplied by SSF (Swiss Sport Television) and focusfive.tv from 15.00CET.

The event is being jointly staged by the European Deaf Sports Organisation (EDSO) and the Schweizerischer Gehörlosen Sportverband-Fédération Sportive des Sourds de Suisse (SGSV-FSSS).

It is receiving UEFA's support as part of the European body's grassroots programmes. UEFA is providing a financial contribution of €70,000 to EDSO for the organisation of this championship; the final tournament of the 8th European Deaf Football Championship, scheduled to take place in Odense, Denmark, between 27 June and 9 July next year; and the inaugural European Deaf Women's Football Championship, due to be played in Sofia, Bulgaria, between 12 and 22 June.

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