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Grim news for Gonzalo at Villarreal


Luckless Villarreal CF defender Gonzalo Rodríguez will be out of action for the next six months after the Argentinian suffered a second serious knee injury.

Argentinian defender Gonzalo Rodríguez will be out of action for the next six months after tearing knee ligaments in training with Spanish side Villarreal CF.

Second injury
The 23-year-old will undergo surgery in Valencia this evening after sustaining a second serious injury to his right knee and is unlikely to play again this year. Gonzalo, with just five league appearances this season, had missed most of the campaign after damaging his right knee on 19 August, only returning to action on 15 April. Villarreal will confirm a place in the UEFA Cup first round if they can hold on to sixth place in the Primera División. They end the season at Sevilla FC on Sunday night.

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